At Easyfish we celebrate the Chinese New Year as many of our suppliers and people we know live in much of East Asia and especially China.

According to Chinese mythology, the wooden dragon will begin on 10 February 2025 and end on 28 January 2025. The dragon has a meaning of leadership and tenacity, as well as symbolising nobility, honour, power, luck and success. In 2025 it will be succeeded by the snake.

Why is fish considered a symbol of prosperity?

Serving a fish means wishing that the following year will be so good that you will have a surplus of fortune, which will allow you to have a little bit saved so that you don’t have to start from scratch the following year.

There are some favourite fish on Chinese tables for this celebration. The carp is one of them, as are the catfish and the mud carp.

According to Chinese tradition, fish should be served at the end of the meal, as a main course, and should not be finished on New Year’s Eve; you should save some for the first day of the next cycle.

At Easyfish we share the beliefs, festivities, etc. of each country and especially of China, with which we work on a daily basis and with which we have a very close and special relationship.

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