Sustainable Seafood
In today's world, it is increasingly common to hear about the threats of global warming and pollution. As these issues directly impact our diets and [...]
The impact of inflation on the Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet is a healthy dietary pattern in which fish consumption is an important key element. In Spain, fish intake is the second highest [...]
Barcelona Seafood Expo 2023
The expectations of the Barcelona Seafood Expo for this year were very high, and even so, they exceeded everything that any supplier, client or lover [...]
Mixed and combinable containers
At EasyFish, we provide top-notch solutions for businesses of all sizes. Our unique offering includes the flexibility of mixed and combinable containers, allowing you to [...]
Renewal of ISO certification.
For 13 years in a row, Easyfish has been an example of quality, competence, and responsibility. As a result, we’ve earnt, once again, the ISO [...]
Seafood Boston
From the 12th to the 14th of March, an Easyfish delegation attended the Seafood Expo 2023 in Boston, USA. Like previous years, the fair brought [...]
Schedule for 2023
After the pause for the Chinese and Vietnamese New Year, the entire frozen fish productive chain is 100% active again. It is time to return [...]
Panga vs Tilapia, evolution of trends
Panga and tilapia are two of the most consumed products by the public worldwide. There are some exceptions due to territory, gastronomic culture, or market [...]